Glass Versus Mesh for Pool Fencing

Installing a pool fence is one of the best things you can do to make your pool area safer for you and your family. The fence stops children and pets from running over to the pool and falling in, and they can also stop things like toys that have rolled away from your kids from rolling right into the water. Pool fencing comes in a number of materials, but two of the most common are glass and mesh.

Decisions to Make When Installing an Aluminium Front Fence

If you're installing a new front fence, one of the most important decisions is what material to opt for. An excellent choice is aluminium, as this metal holds off rust. So you'll never have to worry about the fence showing ugly brown stains. Plus, aluminium doesn't appeal to termites like timber does, and it's usually more enduring in the elements than vinyl, which can crack at times. Thus, there are plenty of good reasons to opt for this material.